I used to hate taking photos. I used to avoid affection. I used to weigh 227lbs. I used to think "that was that. I’ll be this way forever. Who, what and how in the world was I going to be successful at losing weight when programs and diets have never worked in the past". This was all before I knew about Nutrilytics. Before I was shown that I could make these changes and I could be successful.

All of the weight I’ve lost is invaluable to the amount of knowledge that I’ve gained along the way with Nutrilytics. I find myself feeling more in control of my emotions than ever. My stress levels are way more manageable and I can see a huge difference in my ability to focus and my energy levels are amazing. It is not just a physical change it is a mental change - and with Nutrilytics as much as you lose, you gain.

Nutrilytics helped me to become a different person. Before I started Nutrilytics, I was headed down a road of self-destruction. I was overweight and very down on myself. It was the Nutrilytics program that turned it around for me. The combination of the nutritional plan and the workout plan is what made this plan successful. The workouts were very intense and hard, but I began to have more energy. That combined with the meal plan, I began to see results. Not only did I feel better but I felt more confident about myself. The Nutrilytics specialist tailored the program to meet my needs and was always there to give encouragement and answer all my questions and concerns. The program changed my life. Thank you for giving me a new outlook on life.

After 7 days on Nutrilytics I was able to cut my blood pressure Medication in half. I do not live with hip and foot pain anymore. I can go from sitting to standing with no need to use my arms to push myself up. I can walk up stairs and not get winded or feel a need to hold the railing. My balance is amazingly better. Melissa is personable and has a passion for her work. She genuinely cares about her clients.

After only 2 weeks I was shocked with the transformation I was witnessing with my own eyes! I had the pleasure of working with NUTRILYTICS for a mere 6 weeks and I got into the best shape of my life!! It's amazing the variety of food you get and the energy you obtain from eating the particular food combinations! I was always full of energy ready to train hard, never starving either each of my meals would satisfy my hunger! The diets are extremely easy to follow there is no confusion The food changes daily which kept me motivated throughout my entire contest prep! I was actually getting to eat all day and I would be full instead of starving myself to get shredded.

Mitch - NPC Competitor
I have lost a total of 101.5 pounds going from a size 24 jean to a size 10. NUTRILYTICS has played a very important role in why I am where I am today. Here I was losing 100lbs and eating the same thing and getting so bored. NUTRILYTICS opened my eyes to foods I have never heard of, foods I was scared to eat, and foods that I thought were off limits. Weight loss is not only about changing physically but mentally too... I learned that from working with NUTRILYITCS.

Working with NUTRILYTICS, I have lost 37 pounds in just four months. I truly believe NUTRILYTIC specialists care about the health of anyone they work with. They are the only reason that I continue to progress with my weight loss. NUTRILYTICS has truly changed my life, not only with my health but also with everyday living in general.

Within two months I went from a size 13 to a size 5-6 in 6 months. I’m still in shock. I haven’t been in that pants size in 14 years. Melissa, thanks so much for all the time and encouragement you have put into my weight loss. And for not letting me give up when I wanted too!

I was blown away by the change in my body after the first week of the diet! My energy was through the roof and my physique was more full and dense than any other program I have worked with. Most of the nutrition professionals out there are very distant and impersonal, my Nutrilytics specialist was right there in the mix through the whole process, tweaking my program and answering all my questions.

Mitch - NPC Competitor
I’ve worked with several personal trainers and strength coaches having played football and lacrosse in college and I can confidently say NUTRILYTICS is the best. When it came to training I was pushed to new levels, but more importantly I learned how to eat to get the most out of my hard work in the gym. I feel extremely lucky to have been introduced to the NUTRILYTICS program.

Jason - Collegiate Athlete

Disclaimer: Nutrilytics LLC nor Melissa Lukon are responsible in any manner whatsoever for any injury or health condition that may occur through following the opinions expressed here. Consult with your physician before starting a nutrition or exercise program. Copyright © 2024.